5 Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Home’s Exterior

Jun 29, 2017

This summer as the heat takes its toll on your home’s exterior, you’ll want to make sure to do a quick maintenance checkup to keep from having to do any serious repair work in the near future. Here are five easy things to do to make sure your home’s exterior is in good shape this summer.

Seal or Replace Inefficient Windows

If your home isn’t yet equipped with energy efficient windows, you’re losing a lot in terms of energy costs and adding extra workload to your cooling system. If sealing up your old windows is your only option, recaulk the windows to prevent any air leaks to keep cool air in and hot air out. But it’s also worth noting that energy efficient windows can give you up to a 75% return on your investment after you install them to replace older inefficient windows.

Replace Damaged Weatherstripping

Another important exterior barrier that seals your home from the elements is the weatherstripping in doorways. Check around your home for any loose or damaged weatherstripping that might be letting hot air into your home and replace it.

Clean and Reseal Your Driveway

If your driveway sees a lot of traffic, it’s a good idea to seal it every couple years. Keeping it clean and sealed will ensure that it lasts as long as possible while looking its best. Check the seal on your driveway and reseal it if it’s looking weatherworn or damaged.

Trim Plants and Trees Away From Your Siding

Windy and stormy days can cause limbs to blow around and scrape the siding on your home if they aren’t trimmed regularly. To prevent damage like this, trim all limbs back at least a foot away from your house. Doing this will also help keep bugs and pests further away from entering your house as well.

Check Roof for Damage

Grab a ladder and check your roof for any signs of damage done over the winter or since. Seal any leaks you notice and repair damaged areas. Your roof is the major area where heat can enter your home so it’s vital you repair any area where air could be entering. Keeping your roof free from leaks and damage will go a long way in saving energy costs this summer and into the next season.